Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My Cinderella Retell

Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella and she lived with her ugly stepsisters and her ugly stepmother. She had to do all the chores and stayed up all night to do her stepsister’s homework. Here's the story!

Cinderella hated her stepfamily so much that she wanted to run away so she did but she ran into a man but that wasn't a normal man he was the Prince! He said that she was so weird that you're pretty, so she should go to the ball. When he was gone Cinderella’s Berry Godfather popped up and said “Hello, I'm your Berry Godfather. If you want to go the ball you need to ask me to fart out a magical flying fart”. So she said “pretty please pleeeeeeeeeeease fart out a magical fart” so he did. Then she flew and said “Bye” while flying in the magical fart. Then she was at the ball but standing there were the stepmother and the stepsisters so she snuck in. “I see who will be the princess. You”, said the prince pointing at Cinderella. “What!!!!!!!!!!!!!,” said the stepsisters and stepmother. “Our marriage will be made in the town near my castle,” said the Prince. The guy who did the marriage said you may kiss the bride.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I'm a week late Daniel. I love how you included some toilet humor into Cinderella! Can't wait for the production on Wednesday!
